The ISOTDAQ 2014 is the fifth of a series of International Schools dedicated to introduce MSc and PhD students to the "arts and crafts" of triggering and acquiring data for physics experiments.
The main aim of the school is to provide an overview of the basic instruments and methodologies used in high energy physics, spanning from small experiences in lab to the very large LHC experiments, spotting the main building blocks as well as the different choises and architectures at different levelsof complexity.
About half of the school time will be dedicated to laboratory exercises where the students are exposed to most of the techniques described in the lectures.
Preliminary material and exercises about the basics of linux and of C language needed for the labs will be distributed to the students before the course. This material will be returned before the school and will be discussed during the first day.
The school will be held in English and will have a maximum of 52 students. Students will be selected according to their CV and a recommendation letter from one of their advisor. Students from all over the world are encouraged to apply following these instructions.
Though the school (lectures and labs) is completely financed by the supporting institutions, a fee of 450 euros is required to cover accommodation and lunches for all the students.
Limited financial support is available for selected students.