The official currency in Hungary is Forint. 1 EUR equals approximately 300 Forints (or HUF), to see the exact rate currently please click here.
In Budapest the daily mean temperature in January is -1.6 Celsius degrees. Weather forecast
You can reach Budapest by:
Flight to Budapest
Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport is located about 15 km from
Budapest centre. It has direct connections to various
cities. For updated information on flights and connections see the
At the airport you can find: exchange offices, bank branch, ATMs, a
restaurant, a cafe, post office, information desk, travel agency, 24-hour
first aid, duty-free shop, 24-hour car park and car rentals agency.
Budapest Airport-Flamenco Hotel connection
From the airport you can reach the hotel by:
- Taxi: The prices and the system has changed recently. We will provide you more information about it later.
- Public transport: bus 200E (to Kőbánya-Kispest metro station), M3 metro (to Kálvin tér) and tram 49 (to Kosztolányi Dezső tér). It is the cheapest way to reach the center but mind that during rush hours it might be uncomfortable to carry luggage.
For more information please visit the BKK home page.
The 200E bus stop is located directly in front of the passenger terminal.
Points of interest: